Counting Down to CFE – CFE Prep For The Next 25 Days

The first part of my CFE leave officially started yesterday. This means I am off from work until the last week of August. I will be helping out with month-end before the second and last part of my CFE leave starts. If you have been following me for a while, you probably know that I am a planner that changes her plan all the time. This works for me because I know that the first 99 versions of my plan might not be applicable or most efficient anymore. I evaluate and adjust.

I was reviewing my CFE prep and realized I did not schedule in the additional cases from Capstone 2 and Densmore. Yet, I have gotten more and more comfortable and efficient with attempting cases and debriefing. I focused on reviewing technicals for the first part of my CFE prep but I decided my strategy should change. So, I updated my CFE prep to include all additional Capstone 2 and Densmore cases. Including the ones I have already attempted, there are 8 Day 2 and 24 Day 3 cases.

A Recap On Everything I Did In The Past 9 Days

I finished reviewing tax technicals

Doing so really helped with my uncontrollable fear/annoyance whenever I saw a tax AO. I still learned the application of the knowledge most from debriefing but reviewing the technical helped a lot. I mostly replied on Densmore’s competency map study notes for this.

Note, this post contains a product that was sponsored by Densmore Consulting Consulting Services Inc. However, all opinions are 100% my own.

I cancelled my 3-day Whistler trip

I was debating cancelling the trip for a while because I kept finding myself way more excited about my CFE hotel stay than for the Whistler trip. It was supposed to happen not long after my CFE leave started. I knew I can just shift things around to make up for the lost time but I was mostly worried about how tired I would be from the travelling back and forth (granted, it was only 2.5 hours drive each way). We wanted to bring our bikes up for the Whistler Valley Trail so it was going to be a physical trip.

I actually felt relief when I cancelled the trip so I know I made the right choice.

I did a second debrief of some of the Day 3 cases I attempted recently

My CFE prep notes were everywhere: on Google docs and on several different notebooks. I started a new notebook for debrief notes (specifically about how to respond to AOs with some technical knowledge summaries) and decided this will be the last. I recalled seeing many common AOs when I debriefed the mock Day 3 cases (Dream Donuts, Jump & Festival) so I went back to those for a second debrief.

I attempted cases and marginally failed a Day 1 case

I attempted and debriefed the following cases:

  • Day 2: Solar
  • Day 3: Veza Eye Care, Lake Country, Bamboo Bikes, Wild Care, King Street Theatre

I also received the marking results from National Marking Center for the Day 1 Waste Disposal Inc case. I received a marginally fail as expected. I was not too bothered by it because I know exactly what I did wrong. Before I write the next Day 1 case for submission, I will make sure I review the strategy and format first.

Are you preparing for CFE and is wondering what you need to know?
Check out my CFE guides here!

Updated Study Plan For CFE (Week-By-Week)

Week of August 15 (4 Weeks Before CFE)

At the time of writing this post, there are only 3 days left for this week. My CFE leave started mid-week so I started my morning study routine right after.

I am planning on attempting and debriefing K-Med (Capstone 2 Day 2) tomorrow (TGIF right?). On Saturday, I plan on attempting Fanatix (Densmore Day 3) and Elder (Capstone 2 Day 3). Depending on how the two day 3 cases go, I will most likely squeeze in some technical reviews from past debrief notes as well.

Week of August 22 (3 Weeks Before CFE)

On Sunday, I plan on attempting WDI (Capstone 2 Day 1) after reviewing the Day 1 strategy and format. For the rest of the week, my schedule is as follow:

Aug 23, 2021: Forward Vision, Agriculture (Densmore Day 3)
Aug 24, 2021: Culinary Crawl, Holistic Practitioners (Capstone 2 Day 3)
Aug 25, 2021: Atlantic (Capstone 2 Day 2)
Aug 26, 2021: Katwill Lodge, National Mail (Capstone 2 Day 3)
Aug 27, 2021: Ferguson Real Estate (Capstone 2 Day 2)
Aug 28, 2021: Perfecto Painters, Play (Capstone 2 Day 3)

Week of August 29 (2 Weeks Before CFE)

On Sunday, I plan on attempting Great North (Densmore Day 2). I will be returning to work on Monday after that. If all goes as planned, there should only be one new case left for me to attempt (World Wide Windows, Capstone 2 Day 3).

I am flexible with this week’s schedule because I don’t expect to be able to attempt all cases as planned on CFE leave. Therefore, I have this week open to catch up as needed. If for any miracle reason I am 100% on track, I will spend the evenings after work reviewing my debrief notes.

Week of September 5 (1 Week Before CFE)

My CFE leave resumes this week. I don’t have anything planned yet as it will depend on how the next two weeks go. I expect a lot of review of debrief notes, cases and strategy.

Week of September 12 (CFE Week)

I can’t wait for this week because I am so excited about my hotel stay. It might sound ridiculous to you but I am obsessed with hotels. I see it as a chance to be pampered (room service anyone?) and eat in bed (which I will never, ever do at home). It should put me in a very good mood just before CFE!

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about jen

CPA in Vancouver. Sr Accountant at MediaValet. 9-to-5 Traveler.


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