CPA News – A Round-Up of Articles That Will Help You Become A Stronger CPA Candidate

I have shared a number of times in the past that I enjoy reading the various CPA publications to stay up to date with the profession. As a CPA candidate, reading the articles help me tremendously to visualize the concepts I learned in PEP modules and to apply them to real life scenarios. This has helped me retain knowledge longer and understand concepts better.

In this post, I am sharing a list of articles from the free Pivot Magazine’s Nov/Dec 2020 issue. They are excellent real life examples of a number of competencies on the 2020 CPA Competency Map. If you don’t already know, the competency map is the blueprint of what will be on CPA PEP exams and CFE.

When you have a break between studying next time, download a copy of either the Pivot Magazine or In Focus Magazine and see which competency you can spot!

RELATED POST – Staying Up-To-Date With CPABC’s InFocus Magazine

Pivot Magazine Nov/Dec 2020 Issue

Double Vision by Adrienne Tanner

An interview with Wendy Harris, CEO at CESO (Canadian Executive Service Organization), that highlights the real-life application of vision and values for a non-profit organization.

Relevant CPA Competency
Strategy and Governance: Mission, Vision, Values, and Mandate

Dollars and Clicks by Matthew Halliday

A brief but informative article that summarizes where the world’s nations are with the issue of DST (digital service tax). Countries are looking get a cut of the revenue from digital services provided to its residents. The years-long-discussion might be further postponed with the change in leadership in the US.

Relevant CPA Competency
Taxation: Corporate Income Tax

Urban Renewal by Francis Fong

CPA Canada’s Chief Economist Francis Fong highlights the pandemic-related fundamental changes in how we work and live forever. The possibility of de-urbanization and the weakened urgency to invest in public transit due to decreased ridership.

Relevant CPA Competency
Finance: Financial Analysis and Planning : Capital Budgeting

RELATED POST – Pivot Magazine – Why Should CPA Candidates Read This Publication by CPA Canada?

Self Own by Rob Csernyik

Rob’s article introduced readers to the management style called Holacracy that was founded in 2007. In short, there are no “bosses” in a company that adopts the Holacracy style.

Relevant CPA Competency
Management Accounting: Organizational Performance Measurement

View From The Top by Wes Hall

Wes Hall, Executive Chairman and Founder of Kingsdale Advisors, shares his upbringings, journey to success despite being on the receiving end of racism and work he has done to bring companies together to address the issue from the top.

Relevant CPA Competency
Strategy and Governance: Strategy Development & Strategy Implementation

SUGGESTED READ – What I Learned At The CPA Financial Literacy Virtual World Tour

Inspector-in-Chief by Vanmala Subramaniam

Karen Hogan, Canada’s 16th auditor general since Confederation, was offered the job amidst a global pandemic. Read the article to find how she plans on tackling the task of auditing every dollar the federal government has spent on COVID-19 support. As a foreshadow, one of her priorities for her 10-year term is to modernize the department’s IT infrastructure.

Relevant CPA Competency
Audit and Assurance: Comprehensive Audit Projects
Strategy and Governance: Governance

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