My Money Diary – Sep 2020 – Mid-Month Check-In

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If you missed it, check out my September Budget here

The mid-month update is a couple of days early as I will be busy in the next few days. I also can’t wait to find out how our food-related expenses are trending as we have been dining out (take-outs/food court mostly) almost daily. My best friend was also in town (spoiler alert: I am her Maid of Honour) so we met up for a couple of drinks last weekend.

Budget for September 2020 – Mid-Month Update

green = under the budget, red = over the budget

So, Where Are We At?

For fixed expenses, there was no unexpected expenses so far. I also don’t anticipate any for the rest of the month.

For variable expenses, since I haven’t bought any new clothes for work, we are trending under-budget for Clothing & Accessories. Depending on how long the in-office training will be, I might actually not buy any new clothes. I should find out in the next week or so. I also will not purchase any Transportation passes (e.g., monthly vs. single pass) until I know for sure how long the in-office training will be. I highly doubt it will justify a monthly pass but we will see.

For food-related expenses (Groceries and Restaurants & Take-Outs), we are trending towards a negative variance (i.e., over-budget) of $469. Considering the total food budget was set to $750 in the beginning of the month, that would represent a 63% overage. Eric and I will definitely scale back on the dine-outs and cook more often. However, as always, food-related budgets are the most flexible as it equates happiness.

We finally got the designs for Eric’s office back from Modsy. There is only one item he plans on getting from Crate & Barrel but I will see what I will get at the same time as the shipping is a flat $159 for purchases over $750. When we place the order, we will most likely be over-budget for Home & Furniture but that is fine as we did budget for our two home offices as a project ($3,500). We will most likely not use the entire budget for the 2 rooms though.

Since Eric decided to take only one class this term last-minute, I removed the budgeted amount for Learning & Development (L&D). While we are on the topic of L&D, can I just say the public library brings me an insane amount of joy and it is FREE!

Fraser Valley Regional Library Grab & Go
Fraser Valley Regional Library Haul – First-Time Trying “Grab & Go”

Before I end this section, I will point out that I had forgotten to budget for Eric’s monthly haircut again under Self-Care. He gets one from the same stylist every month and yet I always forget to budget for it!

Now I Know Where We Are At, What Will Happen?

I have already mentioned we will try to eat out less and cook more for the rest of the month. Since my new job doesn’t start until the end of the month, I might also not end up buying any new clothes and take the transit much.

Read all of the Money Diary posts here

about jen

CPA in Vancouver. Sr Accountant at MediaValet. 9-to-5 Traveler.


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